Transport solution

Cost of electric trucks: is electromobility expensive?



Renault Trucks E-Tech C en charge dans un entrepôt

How much does an electric truck cost? At the moment, buying an electric truck is often more expensive than a diesel truck. However, running and maintaining an electric truck fleet is less expensive. Energy & fuel costs are also cheaper on electric trucks compared to diesel, and in some cases there is an opportunity to leverage Governmental incentives. All this can make the total cost of ownership (TCO) less expensive for electric trucks than diesel trucks.

Tailor-made support from Renault Trucks during your transition to electric vehicles

The switch to electromobility requires careful planning: obtaining the advice of an expert allows you to make the transition smoothly. We provide tailor-made support for appropriate products and services to maintain your peace of mind and operating budget, making your transition to electric easier. We can perform a true analysis of your fleet in order to draw up a transition plan covering several years to provide you with an indication of your CO2 emissions reduction.

An electric truck configured to meet your requirements

Once they have examined your requirements and the constraints of your activity, our experts will recommend the electric truck best-suited to your needs. We have the most extensive electric vehicle offer on the market to cover your requirements: 

  • Cargo bike Kleuster 650 kg
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech  Master and Trafic 3.1 t 
  • Renault Trucks E-Tech D and D Wide 6x2 26 t
  • Renault Trucks T and C 44 t

The choice is made according to: 

  • Your daily mileage requirements 
  • Your activity  
  • Your vehicle charging constraints

Each vehicle is available with three to six battery packs.

Poster de gamme Renault Trucks E-TECH pris lors des Electromobility Days

Cost of electricity for electric trucks

People often wonder if it is truly cheaper to drive electric trucks. Taking into account recent diesel and electricity cost increases, and using a prediction on future prices based on financial markets, we anticipate that the average energy cost for electric batteries (per km) will be 40% lower in Europe, and 60% lower in France.

Electric truck price: optimising charging and battery life

Recharging can be carried out on-site, at off-peak times overnight, and also during operation. There’s the opportunity to make provision for fast or partial charging, for example, during a lunch break. Our experts provide trusted, pragmatic advice to enable you to make the best choice in infrastructure installation options, based on your business and how your trucks are used.

Electric truck batteries are now mass produced. Their weight and size is getting smaller, and it is easier to recycle them. This means it is less expensive to produce electric trucks. By 2030, the TCO over 7 years of an electric truck will be lower than that of a diesel truck.

Roue de la décarbonation - étape 4 (nous pilotons la mise en œuvre et soutenons vos opérations) : un électricien intervient chez un client, à bord de son Renault Trucks E-Tech Trafic, pour la mise en marche de la borne de recharge

Contractualised battery management 

Batteries may be a cause for concern if you wish to change over to electromobility. To alleviate any anxiety, we are committed to taking responsibility for battery management throughout the vehicle's entire lifecycle; whether it is for maintenance, reconditioning, second life or recycling. We are also the only manufacturer to guarantee you, under contract, a usable energy level after each full charge throughout the entire time that you own the vehicle with our Battery Promise. 

Associated maintenance contracts

We support all of our electric vehicle sales with our Serenity pack, a bundle of maintenance contract, uptime services and customer data support. The maintenance contract brings you a full coverage with wear, repair and maintenance. Uptime services include breakdown prevention and remote capabilities in addition to a dedicated towing offer that will cover up to 2 free tows in case of lack of energy*. Customer data support consists in monthly basic performance reports and the possibility to meet our experts during the 1st year of the Serenity pack for a smooth transition to electric. Our Serenity pack will allow you to spread the maintenance costs of your truck over the length of your contract. You will not have any nasty surprises or unexpected costs. Renault Trucks electric vehicles have a two-year warranty and may be supported by a Serenity pack of up to ten years.

* See general terms & condition for all details 

salesman talking with a client at his desk

At each step along your transition to electromobility, Renault Trucks is here to support your business: custom analysis of your activity, recommendations of the most appropriate trucks, charging infrastructure project management and the day-to-day use of your trucks. We handle everything so that you can concentrate on your core activities with peace of mind. Do not hesitate to contact us to obtain a personalised quote or advice from our electromobility experts. 

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